Sitemap - 2022 - COVEXIT Notes

2022: the Year of the Omicron

Interview with Ariane Bilheran, PhD - Part 2: The Desmet/Breggin controversy; the question of responsibility; the concept of delusional contagion, and more

The 'New Twitter' & Freedom of Speech: the Next Months will be Critical

Entrevue avec Ariane Bilheran, PhD - Partie 2: la controverse Desmet/Breggin; la question de la responsabilité; le concept de la contagion délirante, et plus.

UK: Timid Awakening about Vaccines Safety, in the Midst of a Major Economic, Energy & Geopolitical Crisis

Totalitarianism: What is it? An interview with Ariane Bilheran, PhD in clinical psychology & psychopathology, philosopher and author

Le Totalitarisme: Qu’est ce que c’est? Une entrevue avec Ariane Bilheran, normalienne, philosophe, psychologue clinicienne, docteur en psychopathologie et auteur

Norway Now Recommends Boosters Mostly to Those Aged Over 65

New Florida Vaccine Guidance Further Contradicts Federal Recommendations

Dr. McCullough's Twitter Account Suspended

'Died Suddenly News' Group Removed from Facebook

Nouvelles données françaises sur la sécurité des 'vaccins' : analyse et contraste avec les données britanniques

Canada Lifts COVID Entry Restrictions - Will the US Follow?

New Vaccine Safety Data from France: Analysis and Contrast with the UK Data

Major dissension within the ‘Corona Investigative Committee’

Two Highly Informative Interviews

Lessons to learn from the 1998 Ice Storm crisis in Québec

Unknowns & Suspense with Canadian Travel Restrictions

La vaccination anti-covid ne devrait être recommandée en dessous de 60 ans, selon un rapport Canadien

Canadian Report Calls for Discontinuing Mass V. for Those Under 60

We May be Living the Most Tragic Health Policy Failure in History

COVID-19 Vaccines & Impact on Pregnancy Outcomes & Menstrual Functions

Medical Crisis Declaration Issued by Scientists & Doctors

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