New Vaccine Safety Data from France: Analysis and Contrast with the UK Data
Reported deaths data are pretty consistent and unacceptably high in the two countries (as elsewhere): 1987 in France versus 2240 in the UK.
New pharmacovigilance data have been released by the French authorities, following a request by a citizen, who has posted the information online.
Let’s have a look at those data, that originate from the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products (ANSM) and let’s contrast them with the UK data, for which data is available from the “Yellow Card” system.
Note that these are two heavily “vaccinated” countries, with similar populations: 65.6 million in France 68.7 million in UK.
We will contrast the data here, yet one needs to keep in mind that these are passive pharmacovigilance systems that operate totally independently, and that in both cases, it can be expected there is substantial under-reporting, similarly as what occurs in other countries such as the US - VAERS system. Let’s also remember that causality is not necessarily established in the reported cases, as this is usually not investigated thoroughly (even if it should).
The French data cover up to July 1 2022, while the UK data cover up to August 24 2022. (the difference is not that important as injection levels were low in the UK during the summer period).
A quick glance at the data shows many more adverse events reported in the UK than in France: 432819 v. 170098.
Yet, what is pretty consistent is the number of reported deaths: 1987 in France versus 2240 in the UK, as can be seen in this table compiled from the French and UK data.
This consistency is very important to stress, as it demonstrates that the problem is real, and that the data from one particular country are not some outlier.
See this table of the UK date, from the Yellow Card report referenced to below.
In the US, the number of reported deaths domestically, through the VAERS system, currently totals 14,528.
With a population approx. 5 times larger than that of France or the UK, one notes approx. 30% more reported deaths per capita associated with the injections in the US than in the UK and France.
This remains pretty consistent and of course unacceptable.
A vaccine, as administered to healthy people, needs to be extremely safe.
First do no harm! Primum non nocere! says the most essential principle of medicine that is part of the Hippocratic Oath.
Yet … the regulatory / governmental agencies have decided otherwise and typically still consider the injections, including the boosters, to be “safe and effective,” despite the massive evidence to the contrary.
Normally, if past safety practices had been implemented, the injections should have been pulled out of the market at around 50 to 100 reported deaths - a number that was already reached in the US alone by January 2021, as discussed in the article below.
UK Yellow Card:
France pharmacovigilance data:
Detailed analysis of the French data (en français):