I know a good mitigation strategy. Don’t buy an electric car. It is the newest scam and causes even more pollution to the earth than oil does. Lithium batteries are extremely toxic.

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What about solar electric storage batteries like the Tesla Powerwall? Are they prone to spontaneously burst into flames?

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The battery tested in the article, would have neen a battery pack similar to that in a Tesla Power Wall, and although I haven't checked for daya on Tesla Power Wall spontaneouy combusting, the mere fact that there is an endless tecord of Tesla car battery fires, one can assume that Power Wall batteries are just as susceptable.

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Thanks for this.

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The low energy density means the endurance efficiency increases with the size of the vehicle. Large trucks may work, just pity the small passenger car.

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These pertinent facts don't matter when you're punting EV's, while ignoring the number of fires they have been involved in.

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